Happiness in the classroom

Published on 26-01-2012 12:19AM

Wilderspin school was originally designed with children's contentment at its heart, for it was felt they learn best when they feel comfortable and safe. Good personal habits, including cleanliness and tidiness, are stressed. Inside, we have a colourful, stimulating and cheerful environment to excite very young children. Periods of work alternate with recreation. There are quick changes of subject, meaningful work and frequent breaks for movement and dance. Outside is a playground with flowerbeds where children spend around half of their time. This open-air "classroom" is where much of the social and moral learning takes place as well as play and physical exercise. Here, also, the children can be guided in self-restraint, mutual respect and to care for the living world and the property of others.

This approach is not revolutionary today, but it was when Samuel Wilderspin was pioneering this system of infant education in the early 1800s. The school is now a museum – hopefully its educational principles will not be consigned to history also.

John Walker
Chair, Wilderspin National School Museum, Barton upon Humber