Major Mustard is one of Britain's top puppeteers and storytellers with over 30 years experience performing across the UK. As well as performances he provides a range of hands on practical, creative and educational workshops in schools and community venues. The range of projects encompasses many disciplines and provides a rewarding and engaging activity for all participants.
Over the years Major Mustard has worked in many schools all over the country with performances and puppet-making workshops. Contact details of Head teachers who will be happy to give you their impressions of a Major Mustard visit are available to schools upon request.
Junk Puppet Workshops – Simple but stunningly effective hand puppets created from ‘junk’ materials. A demonstration by Major Mustard is followed with a puppet making session. In the afternoon, participants bring their puppets to life with movement and learn how to give their puppets a voice. The new puppeteers then produce and perform their own show.
Shadow Puppet Workshop – The session starts with a performance of a short series of shadow stories, followed by an explanation and demonstration of the techniques required to make the puppets. A 1½ hour making session follows. In the afternoon Major Mustard demonstrates techniques for performing a shadow story and participants all perform with their puppets behind the large screen.
Teacher/Leader/Carer Workshops – introduces participants to the varied methods of making "Junk" or "recycled" puppets and demonstrates how to help and encourage children / adults to make this sort of puppet. The workshop also includes a session explaining how to bring puppets to life with action, movements and voices and finishes with ideas on putting performances together; creating a story and the choreography of the show. In addition to his work as a puppeteer Major Mustard is also an accomplished storyteller and can provide:
Storytelling Workshop – "Making Stories" and "Telling Stories” are the main elements of a Major Mustard Storytelling Workshop. Tailored for KS1 or KS2 (or older), these workshops help develop listening, speaking and language skills through communication and co-operation.
The workshop begins with a performance of short stories. Major Mustard works with the students to discover how stories are made. Then, in pairs or groups, students create their own stories. Major Mustard and the students explore and experiment with ways of presenting and telling their stories and the day culminates with a grand "Storytell". In both performance and workshop Major Mustard encourages a love of language and uses the listening and speaking skills which combined together form the basis of literacy, and are integral to the development of the spoken word.
Key Information
- Leading UK puppeteer
- Experienced Storyteller
- Workshops suitable for KS1 upwards
- Flexible delivery programme
- Supports literacy and numeracy
- Practical and experimental learning
- Engaging, hands on experience
- Develops practical and creative skills
Additional Information

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