Telephone: 07050 322130
The Movie Workshop brings enthusiasm and interest to the classroom in a new way, using green screen technology to provide entertaining and educational learning. Children become producers and not consumers of ICT.
Excellent for Performing arts, English , Science, Curriculum Topics and many more…
We offer a wide range of workshop packages to suite school / college requirements.
1 Day Movie Workshop (Keystage 1 &2)
Topics can be based around current events, current school topics, curriculum based or simply an insight into the world of green screen filming. Workshops for younger children may include:
• Creating a short drama/improvisation based on a current topic. Through the magic of green screen children would be transported to a setting of their choice e.g. a medieval castle or under the sea.
• Presenting a documentary about a current topic: for example natural history.
• Reading a weather report or news bulletin.
1 Day Movie Workshop (Keystage 3 &4)
For Secondary Schools we offer in addition to KS1 & 2, Blockbuster Visual Effects tasters included in the workshop days.
Workshops may include:
• Creating a visual effects scene in Adobe After Effects & Premier Elements
• An Action Sequence, Dive for cover from an explosion or disappear in an energy cloud
• Camera and sound work
Webcams, Professional Camcorders, Laptops, Green Screen Studio, Lighting, Mics, Costumes, Scripting and Cue machine and of course a clapperboard!
If you cannot provide a projector we can supply our own.
We are fully insured and hold a current CRB certificate, which is available on request.
"Thank you for coming to our school on Tuesday 8th October to share with us your magnificent
'Green screen movie workshop'.it was unbelievable to see that i was on Sky News and i loved to see everybody's Sky News James and the Giant Peach report. I was very confident in class but when i did it in front of the camera i always forgot my lines, i would just freeze and panic. We had to do lots of takes!
I was the presenter and i was responsible for giving a good beginning to our scene so it would be good and sound like a real Sky News report.
The best part of the day was when were in front of the camera and in front of the green screen. I can't wait to until we receive the final DVD to share with the rest of the school, it will be brilliant.
Yours sincerely,
Brockwell Junior School
We also offer Basic software training on using Adobe Premiere Elements for film-making, Teacher training to use “I can Present” software, Exhibitions & Team building days, Parties and special events.
You can purchase your own Green Screen Studio as well; these kits will provide all the resources necessary, to help you deliver the activities successfully.
Training Workshop packages cover setting up your green screen, ‘I can Present’ Software and Adobe Premiere Elements 11 Movie editing software.
Prices start from £130 and depend on location – If you have any questions or require a quote please use the contact page.
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