Telephone: 0808 231 6741
Mobile: 020 3603 6576
Our Science Boffins play with the world’s natural phenomena and present amazing scientific experiments and demonstrations, specifically created to be interactive and illuminating.
Our Boffins perform exciting experiments for kids’ birthday parties and primary school science assemblies, demonstrations and workshops. Our HQ is in North London with a country wide network. The Boffins provide science parties for children and schools throughout England and Scotland.
“Just wanted to say thank you for a fantastic day yesterday; Boffin Fiona was a huge hit! She was very well organised, excellent with the children and put on a fabulous performance. Both children and teachers were equally impressed.”
Science Shows, Workshops & Demonstrations for Primary Schools
Our Science Shows and Workshops enthral children in schools, museums and libraries. During National Science Week we will be offering special workshops on subjects such as: Simple Machines, Transport, Sir Isaac Newton and Bernoulli’s Principle.
Usually lasting between 30 and 60 minutes, science shows and workshops include many of the following topics:
Sample School Science Demonstrations:
• Electricity & Static Electricity - children learn about static electricity with fascinating demonstrations and, if they are good, enjoy a small electric shock!
• Slime & Polymers – children take home a tub of noxious glowing slime in snotty green or putrid pink and in the process learn about polymers, both natural and man-made.
• Let there be Light – colour and light and how the eye works culminates in an amazing indoor fireworks display observed through diffraction glasses.
• Sounds like Fun - experiments to explain sound and how it travels complemented by some serious karaoke fun.
• Heat of the Moment - temperature and explaining different methods by which heat is transmitted; our experiments demonstrate relative temperatures and how candy floss or pop-corn is made (possibly with samples!).
• It’s a load of Hot Air – we look at the science behind hot-air balloons and the Wright Brothers’ early aeroplane designs, including Bernoulli’s Principle and the History of Flight, demonstrated by the making and flying of paper aeroplanes.
• Crazy Reactions - understanding chemical reactions and the factors that affect their rate of change in fun and interesting ways, resulting in amazing lights, colour variations and gas formations.
• Magical Science – discovering the science behind some popular magic tricks and optical illusions.
• Bad Air Day - experiments revealing the properties of air, smell, air pressure and the creation of a vortex.
• Water Rockets - an amazing day making and testing the power of rockets – whoosh!!
School Assembly Ideas for KS1 & KS2 - A Science Show
Our Science Boffins are bright sparks so when they put on a show there’s usually enough fire and magic to enthuse a whole school year whether studying KS1 or KS2.
Our entertaining stories and spectacular experiments often need young volunteer recruits and press-ganged teachers! Who would have thought that science learning could be such fun?
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