Round Midnight

Telephone: 0121 440 8188

Round Midnight Ltd was established back in 1992 and its sister company Round Midnight Creative Arts was established in 2010. For twenty years, we at Round Midnight have provided unique and exciting projects to schools and communities using drama, music, dance, visual arts and film. We also specialise in and tour our original Theatre in Education performances. We have worked with throusands of school children across the UK enriching their applied curriculum during school time and running numerous activities including youth theatre and comedy performances outside of school.


All of the following TIE performances are written by our professional writing team and are all age appropriate with relevant plots and relatable characters. They range between 20 and 40 minutes long and have follow on workshops and Q&A's available. The workshops, facilitated by the actors, explore the issues within the piece in more depth and encourage the audience to participate.

1 in 12 ~ Chlamydia. Dispelling myths, knowing facts.
As Chlamydia is on the increase and myths continue to surround it, this piece focuses on a young couple who discuss their opinions on the matter and voice concerns for a friend who has recently been tested positive for the STI.

I Want to Be ~ Career options ~ Key stage 3, 4 and 5
Commissioned by the Princes Trust, this TIE piece follows the story of Kyle; a young man who leaves school confused about which path to take and after some deliberation and advice he pursues a career in self-employment. This piece explores the importance of school and further education, and how anything is achievable with hard work.

Battered ~ Consequences of underage drinking ~ Key stage 3, 4 and 5 (right)
This performance follows 4 bored, teenagers. It’s Friday night and after ruling out the cinema or hanging out at home they decide to go to the park with a big bottle of booze and every intention of getting “battered”. As the friends get more intoxicated, thinking rationally goes out of the window. What will be the consequences of their actions? This piece explores peer pressure, risk taking behaviour, vandalism, aggressive behaviour, underage sex and binge drinking

Be Safe, Play Safe ~ Playing safe in School Holidays ~ Key stage 2 and 3 (right)
A show that explores the problems young children face during their school holidays when trying to keep themselves occupied. Issues around safety, peer pressure, gang confrontations, alcohol and smoking and vandalism are all addressed within this piece.

Straight Talking ~ “Coming out” and attitudes towards homosexuality Key stage 3, 4 and 5
Straight Talking follows a conversation between Andy and Dan – best mates since reception. However, Andy has been keeping something from Dan that he fears might change their friendship forever… How will Dan react? The piece takes a look at stereotypes, preconceptions and prejudice as Dan struggles to come to terms with this revelation. 


At Round Midnight we offer a number of fantastic workshops for Primary schools. Whether your school is looking to start a drama club or a choir, or you simply want help with your Christmas production, Round Midnight can run these sessions to benefit your pupils and enrich their performance skills.

We also offer curriculum based workshops and TIE performances that are hugely advantageous to young people. Through the use of drama and creative arts we can bring the classroom to life in all aspects of primary learning, and our interactive TIE pieces will interest and excite pupils whilst teaching them vital life skills.

Below are just some of the projects that your pupils could benefit from:

Mental Maths - This project looks at teaching maths to pupils in a new and exciting way. Through the use of drama and music pupils will learn about shapes, times tables, currency, time, addition, subtraction and multiplication. These sessions are designed so that the young people can build their confidence in maths and develop their vital day to day arithmetic skills.

Loving Literacy - Our Loving Literacy workshops are a fun and easy way to increase pupils’ reading and writing skills. The young people will benefit from drama activities and games based on advancing their grammar, punctuation, spelling, reading comprehension and the ability to use complete and structured sentences.

Seriously Super Science - Whether your pupils are looking at physics, biology or chemistry we offer fun and exciting workshops to increase their knowledge and understanding. These sessions are designed to fit in with your current curriculum and advance the methods in which your children find interesting, relevant and beneficial to their learning.

The Mystery of History - Whatever historical topic your school is focusing on, using our creative practice we can bring your history lessons to life. Through drama and games your pupils can explore and experience subjects such as the Victorians, the Tudors, the Ancient Egyptians and the Romans etc.

Community Cohesion - This project aims to raise awareness, reinforce cultural understanding and promote community spirit. It can take the form of film, theatre or a combination of mixed media. Working with your students we will research, devise and create a piece of theatre/film that represents the local community. We can also work with local secondary schools, aiding the transition process for your pupils.

All of these projects are available for your Primary School and are adaptable for years one to six. Round Midnight can deliver workshops and activities for any time scale, whether it is a one hour lesson, an entire day or a weekly session over a term. We can also offer a show back presentation to parents and/or fellow pupils to share what they have learnt and to build their confidence further in that area. We offer CPD on all of our courses.


Our ‘Transitions’ workshops aim to help schools prepare their pupils for the big step up from year 6 into year 7. Our programme is designed to fit into a week during the summer holidays. Using creative art forms such as drama, film, music and visual arts as a vehicle, we will be working with your pupils to help them feel secure with their new surroundings, support their learning, gain confidence in new situations, encourage independant learning, and build on prior knowledge, whilst having fun and making new friends.

Set Texts

Whichever set text you may be working on, we can bring any section to life through live performance. Alternatively, we can help to deconstruct characters, look at subtext, historical context and assist in the direction of end of year examination pieces, enhancing the existing work. However you require assistance, Round Midnight are happy to help.

Writing Workshops

At Round Midnight, we write all of our own material, the majority of which is comedy based. We offer a variety of classes in script writing

Master Classes

Round Midnight offer Master Classes that focus on the current set texts in the National Curriculum. We have tailored workshops that help to animate the text, bringing it off the page, allowing it to come to life. In doing so we explore plot, character and story line in depth and encourage students to form and express their own opinions on pieces of literature. Round Midnight cover all the text set by the examining boards Edexcel, AQA and OCR.


Whether you already have an established choir or you would like to start a new one, we can offer help and assistance. We can run one off choir sessions or continued classes on a weekly basis. Furthermore, if you require extra assistance in preparation for school concerts/shows for example, we can run one off master classes, which would focus on singing technique and confidence building.

To book email:

Additional Information

Address: Round Midnight Ltd Unit 8, 14-20 George Street, Balsall Heath, Birmingham, B12 9RG
Telephone: 0121 440 8188
The area/s in which this provider is available are:East Midlands, West Midlands

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