Riveting Robots deliver robot based workshops to schools across the UK, workshops encompass a wide range of age groups, from primary to secondary age pupils from easy maths to complex programmed based projects.
Robot Workshops
Riveting robot workshops, are fun, inspiring and stimulating, aiming to inspire and develop aspiring scientists and engineers.
These exciting and original workshops encompass a wide range of age groups, all the way from fun and basic activities for KS1 to more advanced workshops for KS4 and beyond.
Riveting Robots provide a full school assembly followed by full/half day of robot classes. They are flexible and can fit their workshops around your school timetable. All the necessary equipment is provided (robots/software/computers) for each workshop. All I need is an empty hall or classroom and a class of keen roboteers.
Robot Football - Fun and interactive robot football including a penalty shoot-out.
Robot Dancing - Entertaining and educational workshop where the students program the robots in a mass dance display.( One or Two Days)
Moon Shot - This fun competition involves students programming their own LEGO robot to circumnavigate the moon and return safely to Earth. This activity incorporates Mathematics/Programming/Problem Solving. ( Whole One Day Event)
Mars Mission - In this workshop our pupils complete an instructor led 'programming 101' then set several challenges in which they program their Mars Robot to help the Mars Base.
Robots Moving - Investigate how motors work and how to program them with a LEGO robot.
Bespoke Workshops - provide tailor-made sessions to fit around any themes currently studied i.e. F1, video, dance, sports, history, maths, engineering, ICT, software, electronics and electrical circuits.
The Riveting Robots Mission - is to stimulate young minds with an appreciation of engineering through fun, interactive and stimulating robot based workshops and activities, covering technology, science maths and computer programming.
Full courses over several weeks are offered where pupils are challenged to build and program an autonomous robot that can complete a number of themed missions in a set time period.
Riveting Robots are currently looking for partners for after school club, Saturday Robot School and Summer camps.
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