Telephone: 0151 706 8146
A Quiet Place is a room, but it’s not just a room …they design and install multi sensory therapeutic healing environments, and now offer 2 ‘stand alone’ evidence based, personal development programmes from their curriculum – Self Management and Peer Massage. Complementary and leading edge techniques are combined to empower young people and bring about positive change. Your staff are trained on site to deliver one or both of these ground-breaking programmes to your pupils.
“It was wonderful to see the children managing their own emotions and actually taking responsibility for their own behaviour. Taking all of this into the classrooms means our children are ready to learn and that is the most important thing in education.” - Linda Bardsley, St Peter’s Primary School
What is A Quiet Place…?
A Quiet Placeis emotional intelligence in action. It is scientifically proven to aid the development of children with positive self esteem, behaviour management, positive learning and school transition whilst helping to develop personal choice and interaction with peers and family.
• A Quiet Place Self Management Programme
During 1 or 2 action learning workshops your staff are taught to manage their own physiology using simple techniques and computer biofeedback software. They in turn teach their pupils to recognise emotional triggers and then to manage their feelings appropriately. The result? “If I hadn’t done my breathing then I’d have smacked you one” (boy overheard speaking to another boy in the playground).
• A Quiet Place Peer Massage
AQP senior practitioner trains your staff in a series of fun, action learning workshops delivered to your pupils in their classrooms. The result? “The children are much kinder to each other” and your staff and pupils can continue using and honing their new skills long after the sessions are completed.
• A Quiet Place Environment
A beautiful, therapeutic and healing environment…
Each unique A Quiet Place environment can be designed within a specified room, corridor, reception or designated sanctuary area. Taken from a detailed analysis of needs and requirements, each space is individually designed and tailored to deliver a multisensory healing space, which can include specialised resources to deliver the extended emotional intelligence curriculum.
Within the room, the support programmes and timetabled activities aim to reduce immediate stress within the environment, produce more successful communication and develop relationships at every level.
• A Quiet Place Emotional Intelligence Curriculum (only available with the Environment)
People who are feeling good about themselves are both eager to learn and more likely to improve their attainment. AQP has created an Emotional Intelligence Curriculum which is a carefully crafted, scripted programme that helps a person develop all elements of Emotional Intelligence by harnessing the imagination through strategies such as visualisation and story telling.
Monitoring each result…
The outcomes are extremely powerful and can be monitored throughout the journey with A Quiet Place workbooks and the bio feedback programmes. Each school receives a full report that includes quantitative and qualitative information on the impact of A Quiet Place within the organisation and including the effect on students, staff and families.
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