This is just a small selection of our primary school workshop providers
Hands-On-Science is one of the country’s leading independent providers of exciting and informative science education for schools. They deliver a range of engaging and inspirational STEM activities for children from Primary Schools (Key Stages 1 - 3), with In-School Workshops, After-School Science Clubs and their new STEM Club In A Box.
Bringing science to life in your school
Hands-on-Science is run by professional teachers, scientists, engineers and science communicators who believe passionately that learning should be fun. We have developed over 100 workshops which are constantly reviewed to make sure the learning we want to achieve is getting across in an exciting and engaging way.
The Freddy Fit team are extremely proud of the positive impact the project has had on thousands of primary school pupils up and down the country over the past ten years. Through a tough recruitment process and intensive training we ensure that every Freddy Fit presenter is highly trained, well motivated, punctual and, most importantly, child friendly.
Each presenter is totally committed to delivering our fantastic workshops in a professional and inspirational manner. We are determined, through our belief in the scheme of work, to improve the lifestyles of as many pupils as possible. Be it in fitness, strength, coordination, self-esteem, assertiveness or team leadership, if pupils improve by any margin, then we feel our efforts have been well rewarded.
Established in 2003, Debutots Early Years Drama is the UK’s premier Drama-in-Education company for the early years. Engaging children with their fun-filled original stories, Debutots classes use interactive storytelling and dramatic play as a learning tool for children up to the end of Key Stage 1. Mapped to the EYFS and KS1 curricula (early Primary years), these unique sessions will empower children with confidence, creativity and a love of language.
Nursery and school children enjoy Debutots’ engaging approach to learning as part of their weekly curriculum, an after-school club or during PPA time. Equally, primary school teachers and nursery workers are able to reap the benefits of incorporating an enriching cross-curricular activity into their nursery or school, led by inspiring specialist practitioners who work within the proven Debutots framework.
Crafty Chefs teach all children to cook. They have loads of experience and don't worry if your child has food allergies as they have special recipes, cooking kits and cakes for children with food allergies.
Crafty Chefs offer:
- children's cooking courses
- children's cooking, chocolate and afternoon tea parties
- holiday workshops
- Duke of Edinburgh and student survival cooking courses
- support with cooking at your primary school, nursery, children's centre, conference, food related event or photo shoot.
They provide a fantastic service and believe passionately in developing children's cooking skills through active learning.
Arty Pants are passionate about art and promoting participation in art and crafts. Their mission is to make extra curricular art and craft activities easily accessible to all children and young people in Merseyside, regardless of ability and social background. They seek to achieve this by providing a mix of Holiday Clubs, After School Clubs, Primary School Workshops, Consultation days, Community Art Work, Fun days and parties.
“Arty Pants were well organised and equipped and our staff were delighted at how smoothly everything went. The children were excited and enthusiastic and most important of all they were very pleased with their results. Excellent value for money - we could confidently leave the team to set up, run the class efficiently and clear away afterwards.” St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School, Netherton
Kiddy Cook’s Food In Schools Project is a hands-on unit of study that uses the theme of healthy eating to enrich the curriculum and develop thinking in a range of subjects. They run cookery workshops for children in Primary Schools (aged 2 – 11 years) to encourage them to learn about ‘good’ food and to explore new flavours in an educational and fun way.
“The experience provided by Kiddy Cook was rich and stimulating and the Reception children were captivated by both the experiments and the cooking. The tasks themselves were straightforward, yet exciting. Overall it was a wonderful afternoon, well planned, well carried out and generally great fun! The children can’t wait for you to come back!” Helen Chappell, Reception Teacher, Bowdon CE Primary School
Over the last ten years, MOMO Theatre has gained an impressive reputation for providing effective, educational and entertaining shows throughout the UK. They are a friendly, flexible organisation and their productions are suitable for both primary and secondary schools.
MOMO shows cover 5 main topics - adapted for different age groups. These are:
- Healthy Eating
- Walking and Cycling to School
- Recycling, Reusing and Reducing
- Energy and How to Use Less of It
- and new for 2011: Internet Safety
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