Small Steps to Success

Telephone: 0151 488 0927

Mobile: 0776 451 1293

Small Steps to Success believes that children can aspire to be anything they want to be in life with hard work, determination and above all true belief in their abilities. They provide quality workshops for children that will inspire and motivate them to develop a more positive attitude to life and learning, in a bid to make their lives and futures better for more out of life.


Katie Small set up Small Steps to Success to provide children with the inspiration, motivation and encouragement to achieve success in their lives. Research has shown that motivating children at an early age is the best way of having a long lasting effect on the rest of their lives. Schools are the best place to reach all children and help them to make their lives better and to take responsibility for their futures.

Katie began her teaching career in a deprived area of Liverpool where she recognised the talent and potential many children have, regardless of their backgrounds. Her passion for positive thinking and teaching has been life long and she has studied the topic for many years. She couldn’t understand why motivational speaking only existed for adults and believed that it could also benefit children and that having more positive children in the world will have positive results for schools, teachers, parents and society.

Many children live in negative environments which are detrimental to their personal development. Negativity breeds negativity but the same works in reverse in that positivity breeds positivity so Small Steps works to make children more positive and to help them believe in a bright, happy and successful future for themselves.

Small Steps works in conjunction with a number of Government Initiatives that seek to provide young people with a sense of purpose, personal resilience and emotional stability. They deliver six age specific workshops which are designed for schools but can also be delivered to any youth group or organisation.

Year 6 Workshop (Primary) - Small Step, Giant Leap

Helping children cope with the transition process.

Year 7 Workshop - First Class

Helping children cope with their 1st year at high school

Year 9 Workshop - Your Life, Your Choice, Your Future

Choosing options, helping children make the right decisions.

Year 11 Workshop - Recipe for Success

Helping children prepare for their exams and to motivate them to achieve more than they thought possible.

Year 12/13 Workshops - The World Is Your Oyster

Encouraging young adults to see what the world has to offer them and to seize their opportunities.

Anti-Bullying Workshop - No Victims, Just Survivors


Small Steps to Success's key aims include:

• Motivating children to believe in themselves and their abilities.

• Raise children's aspirations, hopes and dreams so they aim for more out of life.

• Teaching children how the power of positive thinking can encourage success.

• Building children's confidence and self-esteem.

• Encouraging young people to take responsibility for their own lives.


Key information

Works in support of:

  • The Every Child Matters Agenda
  • SEAL Initiatives (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning)
  • PSHE and Citizenship
  • Ofsted Evaluation of the Every Child Matters Outcomes
  • Curriculum for Excellence (Scotland) – Four Capacities 

Additional Information

Telephone: 0151 488 0927
Listed in the following categories: * PSHCE
The area/s in which this provider is available are:North West

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