Telephone: 0800 9557844
Marvelous Magical Maths (M³) is a newly formed (2012) workshop company that provide fun, interactive and educational shows/workshops for preschool and primary. Giving children confidence to ask and answer questions, allowing them to make their own discoveries.
Subjects covered...
■ Mathermatical thinking
■ Problem solving
■ Measuring (standard and non standard)
■ 2D AND 3D shapes
■ Area and perimeter
■ Number confidence
■ Arithmetic
■ Sequences
Performed in a exciting and engaging way!
Additional Information
0800 9557844
The area/s in which this provider is available are:East,
East Midlands, Greater London, Home Counties, Yorkshire, North of England, North West, Scotland, South West, Wales, West Midlands Share this page: