Jessica Shattock

Telephone: 07897987626

Jessica Shattock is a practising artist and she has exhibited both in the UK and abroad. Jessica brings fun and creative art workshops for schools.

“Jessie’s workshops were fantastic, they were very popular with the children and clearly enjoyed by all. Jessie was very intuitive to the hospital environment and flexible in her approach to working with the patients, something that we highly value.”Anna Matthams, Art Assistant, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, Aug 2011

Screen Printing

This workshop focuses on learning how to screen print. It can be used as part of an art project or as a stand alone workshop. The workshop usually involves:

• Children find/draw images they’d like to use/around the theme of their project.

• Create Paper stencils from the image(s) chosen.

• Draw out their final design on paper.

• Then finally print their design onto a t-shirt or cotton bag to take home!


Paper Mache

The workshop usually starts with a small demonstration, with Jessica showing the children how to create a paper mache sculpture. The children are encouraged to create abstract pieces with lots of variety.

• The children draw designs (can take inspiration from sculptures Jessica brings in/demonstration)

• When they’re ready to create their sculptures, the children can be given the polystyrene balls, cups, cardboard tubing, thin metallic boxes and newspaper required to make their sculptures!

Results are usually a fantastic, original and creative sculpture.

Self Portraits

Jessica’s self-portraits workshop allows for children to use different types of drawing techniques. Some of the techniques are:

• Drawing blind-folded

• Drawing with their ‘weaker’ hand

• Covering the page with charcoal and drawing with their erasers


Diorama Boxes

Jessica will read an extract from a novel to get the imagination started (for example the one below is from Alice in Wonderland)

“A large rose tree stood at the entrance to the garden: the roses growing on it were three gardeners at it busily painting them red. Alice thought this was a very curious thing and when she came up to them she heard on of them say “Look out now five! Don’t go splashing paint on me like that!”

The children are given 10 minutes to write a quick story that’s based in a particular place using lots of adjectives. Inspiration can be taken from Jessica’s own Diorama Boxes. Using a cardboard box and lots of materials, the children can be set to task creating a scene from their story!


Key Information

  • Enhanced CRB Checks
  • Public Liability Insurance of £5,000,000

Additional Information

Telephone: 07897987626
Listed in the following categories: * Creative Arts
* Creative Arts » Art
* Creative Arts » Craft
* Creative Arts » Sculpture
The area/s in which this provider is available are:Greater London

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