Whole-school workshops available as well as a workshop that caters for up to 4 classes (all 4 classes benefit from talks/presentations and activities throughout the entire school day).
Children will be learning all about the British involvement in World War One through a mix of presentations and hands-on, practical activities.
We don't just teach a class at a time - we go the extra mile to provide great value for money. Whilst we are leading a session to 1 or 2 classes at a time, teachers from your school will lead other practical sessions that have been fully planned and resourced. These sessions are easy to follow; teachers can run the sessions without any prior preparation.
The presentations are incredibly factual and tailored to the age of the audience. They have been carefully developed to ensure that they are engaging through the use of striking images, video footage and interesting content.
The activities have been meticulously planned to ensure that they teach the children historically accurate information, whilst being highly engaging and memorable.
Historic Workshops was started in 2016, by Leigh, who was working part-time as a Primary School Teacher. It all started with just one workshop: WW2 Workshop. Feedback from the workshop was very positive, and soon, Roman Workshop was also born. After an unprecedented amount of bookings in the 2017-18 school year, Leigh finished teaching to run Historic Workshops full-time.
Reasons to book WW1 Workshop
- A scheme of work planned, resourced and delivered by a qualified teacher.
- Great value for money - accommodating up to 4 classes for a full day of activities.
- Flexible options available such as whole-school workshops.
- A professional, reliable service, guaranteed to fulfil your requirements.
- Authentic equipment and props.
- A broad knowledge of WW1 History.
- In 2017-18, we were fully-booked in Autumn and Spring.
- Excellent feedback from previous workshops.
- Endorsed by and featuring on The Literacy Shed.
I am the Chief Air Raid Warden of the Nottingham Division, and it is my job to transport the children back to the times of WW2! I take the children back to 1939 and immerse them in interactive activities that make them feel as though they are living in war-time Britain (on the Home Front).
I am a fully qualified and practising Primary School Teacher. Being a Teacher myself means that this is no simple school visit, where someone turns up dressed up in WW2 attire and the children simply look and listen. The tailor-made day consists of an enriching and progressive scheme of work, where children will be learning a great deal about life in WW2 and how civilians lived through the Blitz, through active learning, active listening, group work, role play and performance.
The WW2 Workshop is an interactive scheme of work whereby children handle a plethora of artefacts, both genuine and reproduced, to create a hands-on learning experience. The artefacts have been sourced from across Britain and have a combined worth of many hundreds of pounds (the genuine, fully working air raid siren alone is worth over £300).
As well as the handling and investigating of some incredible artefacts, the children will be learning about WW2 in-line with the 2014 curriculum. Being a fully qualified and practising teacher, I am able to create a learning experience that includes active learning, active listening, group work, role play and performance. All learning is fully inclusive and accessible to all children including SEN and EAL children.
The workshop brings WW2 and the Blitz to life, creating a truly memorable learning experience for the children (and teachers). The workshop covers key objectives from the 2014 curriculum and more, going far beyond the minimum requirements.
The service that I provide, that makes me stand out from the people doing 'dress-up' is:
- A scheme of work planned, resourced and delivered by a practising teacher.
- A professional, reliable service, guaranteed to fulfil your requirements.
- Authentic equipment and props that are too expensive for school budgets to warrant purchasing.
- A broad knowledge of WW2 History, Air Raid Wardens and the associated artefacts.
All this and much more, makes the day a truly memorable one, and helps embed the learning far better than any normal history lesson! Boys in particular will remember a great amount from the day, and recent feedback has been that their writing has improved considerably as a result of this workshop.
Salve! Welcome to Roman Workshop, the place where The Roman Empire and Roman Britain meets primary schools across the country. Roman Workshop consists of a school visit that is a tailor-made unit of work that has been developed in-line with the new 2014 History Curriculum.
I am Centurion Agrippa, and it is my job to transport the children back to the times of the great Roman Empire! I take the children back to 55BC and help their imaginations run wild, with the use of authentic Roman military equipment.
When in full Roman military dress, I am Centurion Agrippa, but when the uniform comes off, I am a fully qualified and practising Primary School Teacher. Being a Teacher myself means that this is no simple school visit, where someone turns up dressed up as a Roman and the children simply look and listen. The tailor-made day consists of an enriching and progressive scheme of work, where children will be learning a great deal about the 'Roman Empire and its impact on Britain', through active learning, active listening, group work, role play and performance.
Engaging activities linked in to the curriculum content:
- The children take part in re-enactments of the battles between the Romans and the Celts, wearing Roman legionary helmets and wielding Roman Gladius' and Scutum shields. The Celts wield Celtic shields and swords.
- Re-enactment of a battle with Centurion Agrippa shouting out orders to his legionnaires, representing the strict discipline required in the legions and the need for unit cohesion.
- Children listen to a detailed account of how a real battle would play out, with the use of weapons and the damage that they would inflict to the enemy. The children will be awed by the gruesomeness of the reality of war (primary school friendly).
- The children get to debate with each-other, as if they were Celts deciding upon the future of their people and of their lands. Should Rome be welcomed with open arms? Or should they be driven back into the sea from which they came?
- The children finish the day with a fun quiz about the day, acting as a plenary of the days' learning. The children will discuss what they have learned before the quiz, get into teams and take each-other on in a winner takes all Roman Workshop Quiz Battle.
All this and much more, makes the day a truly memorable one, and helps embed the learning far better than any normal history lesson!
Additional Information

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