Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA)

Telephone: 0141 287 3050

The Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA) uses its collections, exhibitions and learning programmes to inspire vibrant conversations about the art of our time. It offers thought-provoking displays of paintings, sculptures, prints and installations. The friendly and approachable Learning & Access team encourage active participation though a range of engaging activities both within the galleries and the studio space.

All school workshops for 2011–12 will explore exhibitions of sculpture, drawings, collages and prints.

Every workshop will:

• Explore works of art

• Be tailored to age, ASL and language needs

• Include time in the gallery and studio

• Incorporate an interactive tour and discussion

• Offer exciting practical activities

• Involve peer discussion and critical feedback

• Conclude with reflection on learning outcomes


Mini Draw  NEW!

Early Level, Pre-5s

This fast, exciting workshop explores a range of ways to draw. Children will be encouraged to investigate how to apply materials to paper and make marks.

Mini Me  NEW!

Early Level, Pre-5s

This self-portrait workshop explores emotion and how it is expressed in portraits. Children will learn to observe, record and create mood using colour and line.

Mini Sculpture  NEW!

Early Level, Pre-5s

In this making workshop children will be introduced to sculptures. Children will choose materials, and learn how to join and build.


Portraits  NEW!

First / Second Level, Primary 2–7

Children will explore how emotion is expressed in portraits. They will learn to observe, record and create moods using colour, line and tone.

Sculptures  NEW!

First / Second Level, Primary 2–7

This workshop looks at how artists experiment with scale, material, form and space. Learners will be encourage to problem solve, create and construct their own work.

Drawing  NEW!

First / Second Level, Primary 2–7

This workshop explores a range of drawing techniques. Learners will be encouraged to experiment with a variety of unusual methods, materials and scales.



Third Level and Senior Phase, Secondary 1–6

Using observational and expressive techniques, pupils will learn to record elements such as scale, form, shape and texture from artworks in our galleries.


Third Level and Senior Phase, Secondary 1–6

This workshop explores how modern artists approach portraiture. Learners will research, explore and record processes, materials and techniques.


Third Level and Senior Phase, Secondary 1–6

This workshop explores how artists experiment with scale, material, form and space. Learners will be encourage to problem solve and create and construct their own work.

Additional Information

Address: Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA), Royal Exchange Square Glasgow G1 3AH
Telephone: 0141 287 3050
Listed in the following categories: * School Visits
The area/s in which this provider is available are:Scotland

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