Fruit to Suit

fruit to suit is a social enterprise company delivering high quality, tailored business and enterprise programs to primary and secondary schools nationwide. Our programs develop entrepreneurial skills and business knowledge which can be consolidated by setting up and running a long term, sustainable healthy tuck shop business selling healthy food and promoting healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. The profit generated could be used to fund further enterprise training, support school funds or be donated to charity.

“Over the course of two, half day sessions it was wonderful to observe the skills and communication develop as the children learned about the products, worked together to promote the product, experienced how to use a spreadsheet and assessed and nominated each other for key roles.” Oxton St Saviours Primary School.

fruit to suit’s main aims

  • Train your tuck shop Managers to run a healthy tuck shop independently, giving them invaluable business and enterprise experience
  • Supply healthy, nutritious, affordable and tasty snacks for your tuck shop, fairs and discos direct to your school
  • Change children’s perceptions of ‘business people’ by providing a positive experience of business for every year group in your school

Business and Enterprise Programs

fruit to suit offers three main programs for each Key Stage:

  • The Tuck Shop Challenge and Company Trading Program provide fun and exciting theoretical business and enterprise experience for up to 90 children. 
  • The Tuck Shop Manager Program trains up to 22 children to set up and run the sustainable, healthy tuck shop for their school.


Tuck Shop Challenge

  • Teams of children (up to 90 children in total) take part in a half day enterprise challenge to create a company to run a healthy tuck shop in their own school. The winning company is the one with the best business plan and company profile.
  • The children complete the business plan throughout the challenge, it includes company details, marketing, market research, finance and stock control.
  • The company profile includes life skills, health and safety and customer service.

Company Trading

  • The companies created in the Tuck Shop Challenge use their acquired business and enterprise skills to trade for half a day. They face real business scenarios to test the manager's entrepreneurial skills to the limit!

Tuck Shop Manager Training

  • The children have half a day's training to set up and run the healthy tuck shop for their school.
  • The children apply and are interviewed for tuck shop managerial roles. The elected managers are trained to set up and run the tuck shop independently. They develop skills in project management, marketing andselling a product, managing resources and communication.
  • As part of the training, the managers organise a launch assembly and tuck shop launch. If their profits are going to charity, they organise a representative from the charity to attend both events.
  • Alternatively, profits can be used to fund business and enterprise programs for the following year creating sustainability.
  • Our experience has shown that providing children with the opportunity to give back to the school or the wider community gives them a tremendous sense of self-worth.

Key Information

  • Employability, Entrepreneurial Skills and Life Skills
  • Every Child Matters: Economic Wellbeing, Being Healthy, Making a Positive Contribution
  • Business and Enterprise Skills and Knowledge
  • Social Responsibility
  • Links to the National Curriculum: Literacy, Numeracy, Design & Technology and Art
  • enterprise training & enterprise programs

Additional Information

Listed in the following categories: * PSHCE
The area/s in which this provider is available are:North West, East, East Midlands, Greater London, Home Counties, Yorkshire, North of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, South West, Wales, West Midlands

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