Eco Workshops for Schools

This is just a selection of our eco workshop providers

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At the EcoTech Centre students can explore issues of environment, sustainability and renewable energy in an interesting and fun way. Their education programme of eco workshops for schools offers students a range of activities, including the exciting opportunity to visit the only climbable wind turbine in the world that is open to the public and school groups! 

The turbine has been specially designed to accommodate visitors. Students can climb the spiral staircase to the viewing platform for views over the local town and countryside with the horizon stretching to three counties. All tours are with our experienced and knowledgeable guides.



Over the last ten years, MOMO Theatre has gained an impressive reputation for providing effective, educational and entertaining shows throughout the UK. They are a friendly, flexible organisation and their eco workshops are suitable for both primary and secondary schools. 

MOMO specialise in getting children to be enthusiastic about difficult subjects such as healthy eating and walking to school. They have a long list of delighted schools and local authorities who are happy to recommend them.

MOMO shows cover 5 main topics - adapted for different age groups. These are:

  • Healthy Eating
  • Walking and Cycling to School
  • Recycling, Reusing and Reducing
  • Energy and How to Use Less of It
  • and new for 2011: Internet Safety 


Green Up Your Act Education teaches sustainability through school eco workshops which use a balance of discussion, practical activities and out of class learning. They make children aware of their carbon footprint through the subjects of food, waste, recycling, energy production and pollution. By doing this they can see the importance of their impact on their own community and hopefully learn to protect their environment. Many areas of the curriculum are covered, particularly science, geography and citizenship.



TH!NK is a leading provider of social enterprise days for education. TH!NK enterprise days set students the task of developing and presenting a ‘green’ business plan around the sustainable use and safe disposal of electronic products. The eco workshop days are typically funded via your Government Enterprise fund, but TH!NK now offers the ability to recycle any unwanted electronic equipment your school may have to help fund the days.



Low Carbon Trust offers many environmental educational experiences including training courses, workshops, events, and tours. They also offer educational Eco Days for schools covering a range of hands-on activities and workshops. Visits can be tailored to suit school requirements and can include creative activities using recycled materials, green wood-working, organic gardening or tailored activities relating to sustainability issues and the award-winning Earthship Brighton project.

All activities are risk-assessed and designed to engage visitors to learn through discussion and hands-on participation. The experience provides an opportunity for pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding of environmental issues and nature in a fun and enjoyable way.




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Listed in the following categories: * Popular Searches
The area/s in which this provider is available are:Other

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