Eco Explorer

Telephone: 01925 733790

Eco-Explorer is a venture created by primary science consultant Steven Lewis-Neill. Steven’s many years of primary school teaching experience and a passion for Ecology and the environment formed the basis of this project.

Key Features

  • Hundreds of beautiful and individually designed tasks for all New Curriculum KS1 & KS2 Life Processes and Living things (Sc2) topics.
  • Objectives and tasks created by freelance primary science consultant in liaison with current primary science subject leaders.
  • Extra Scientific Enquiry (Sc1) section.
  • Unlimited access for teachers and pupils.
  • A simple to use assessment manager to track pupil progress.
  • Easy log-in system for younger pupils.
  • Score tracker sets individually differentiated tasks based on pupils’ prior scores.
  • Unlimited re-printable QR codes to use anywhere there is Wi-Fi connection – pupils with iPad can access at home.
  • Regular updates of the huge bank of tasks.
  • Renewal ‘booster’ updates include: bespoke upload pages for your school’s work, pupil reward system collecting trophies and unlocking games and a science toolkit app.


  • Classes using the system spend more time in the ‘outdoor classroom’.
  • Contextual mobile learning makes Eco-Explorer a strikingly effective learning tool.
  • Heightened engagement of pupils: keeps learning fresh!
  • The power of personalisation: uses iPad devices to individualise learning.
  • Learner control – learners can take the initiative and direct their own learning activities.
  • App interface and scan log-in for easy access to the system.
  • Makes the most of your school grounds: by adding structure to outdoor exploration, children can discover and learn like never before.
  • Convenience and flexibility: can be used to introduce or reinforce topics, separate groups can be set up for Science/Eco Clubs.
  • Children can use at home to learn knowledge prior to lesson, freeing up more in-class time for investigative work.
  • Relevance: Tasks include 100% native British species, supporting current focus on Plants and Animals in the Local Environment.
  • Easy to use, saves teacher’s time and tracks pupil progress.
  • Cost effective, less than £3 per pupil per year.
  • Yearly boosters help to imbed Eco-Explorer as a valuable part of your school.
  • Full and friendly support with help and advice along the way.

Additional Information

Telephone: 01925 733790
Listed in the following categories: * ICT/Audio Visual
* STEM » Science
The area/s in which this provider is available are:Greater London, East, East Midlands, Home Counties, Yorkshire, North of England, North West, Northern Ireland, Scotland, South West, Wales, West Midlands

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