Telephone: 0845 163 1000
Suitable for years 5,6,7,8 & 9, this unique workshop will inspire, engage and educate your pupils.
Equally suitable for instrumentalists and non-musicians, incorporating body percussion, beat boxing and use of quite frankly really cool kit!
Overview: This active 2 hour session incorporates everything a school is looking for in a workshop. Through the use of aural, visual and kinasthetic methods, your pupils will be engaged from start to finish in this topical session. Harnessing modern pop music to inspire (did you know Ed Sheeran uses a loop pedal?), the pupils will be given musical and technical guidance throughout to assist their multi-layered composition using the pedals. A CD of the compositions will be left with you for further assessment or prosperity.
Workshop duration: 2 hours
(plus 1.5 hrs total set up and pack up)
Suitable for the following age ranges: Years 5,6,7,8 & 9
(ages 9 years to 13 years)
Number of pupils per session: 3 - 18
Suitable for non-instrumentalists: Yes
Main learning objectives: To introduce the vertical structure of a song plus timing, texture and timbre. Wider objectives include promotion of group communication and coordination.
Workshop educational outcome:
Following the session, your pupils will have created a multi-layed composition using the loop pedal. This would have incorporated rhythm, bass, harmony and melody. This will include the importance of keeping a strict pulse and being creative with the instruments and vocal techniques on hand.
Cost: £200
Additional Information

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