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Children's Links is a national charity with a mission to improve the quality of children’s life experiences. They deliver activities in schools which teach pupils new skills, self confidence and improved communication through bespoke play sessions:
Arts Play Project - free access play opportunities for children including after school sessions and play days in areas where there is little play provision and communities are socially isolated.
Better Play at Lunchtimes - Combining basic play theory with techniques for extending play in schools it introduces lunch time supervisors to positive intervention and a host of new and traditional games and activities for the playground. Schools benefit through improved pupil behaviour and attainment, reduced accidents and incidents, improved activity levels and supervisor job satisfaction.
Creative play days – Safari days, pets in school, spies, construction and building, forest, woodland and outdoor play are some of the themes used in schools to develop exciting and memorable play days. Many activities are offered within these themes to develop children's creative skills and encourage them to work in mixed age groups and become independent learners.
Themed play days - replace normal lessons and can be delivered to year groups or the whole school. Themes include messy play, environmental play, challenging play and imaginary play and provide children with chance to experience new play opportunities and to support cultural differences, language barriers etc.
Traditional Playground Games - a course that aims to bring back long forgotton playground games such as elastics, bay games and skipping. A pack of 80 traditional playground games was put together to accompany the course which has since been accredited and delivered to school staff throughout the UK.
Inset training - explains the benefits of play and play principles in practise in the classroom while encouraging teachers to develop imaginative ways of working with children to inspire creative skills and learning through play.
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