Egyptian workshops for schools in North West area
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Archaeology for Schools
Archaeology for Schools provide a wider range of historic workshops which include visits from archaeologists, Egyptologists, Roman Soldiers, Viking Warriors and much more. -
Wicked Workshops
Primary School Workshops bringing history to life! Vikings ~ Pirates ~ Stone Age ~ Ancients Greeks ~ Egyptians -
Ancient Egyptian School Workshops for Children
A day to remember with the world of Ancient Egypt brought to life by Egyptologist Philip Harris who brings the museum to your school with artefacts up to 5000 years old. -
Delve Into History
Bringing History to Life! From Ancient Greeks through to WW2, Delve Into History can bring expertise into your classroom. All workshops are in line with National Curriculum requirements, and are delivered by an experienced teacher. -
Theatre Workshop
Children's Theatre, School Plays, KS2 Playscripts & History Workshops for KS1 & KS2. -
Imagining History
School workshops that allow children to unlock their imagination and experience history. -
Immersive Experiences
UK's largest national provider of mobile planetariums and 360° Domes