By Design

Incorporated in 1995, By Design offer high quality, focused education workshops and programmes together with professional consultancy and project management services.

We are a fresh and dynamic company with people who really love what they do!  We are defined by our fantastic clients, excellence, innovation and the quality of our creative solutions. Most importantly we believe we can make a difference. Our reputation is built on providing quality, value-for-money services that meet the needs of our many and varied customers and clients.

"Thank you so much for arranging such a successful and inspirational day for our students. The mentors you sent pitched the workshops at exactly the right level, as well as being totally engaging and incredibly organised. The student feedback was excellent. I hope we will be able to work with you again in the near future." - P. Saunders, Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator, Charles Dickens School, Broadstairs, Kent


Science and the Environment

The Science of Renewable Energy

This programme combines both Science and Design & Technology elements in a hands-on, visual way. Their challenge is to plan, design, construct and test wind turbines and solar powered buggies. By the end of the workshop they will discover who has created the most powerful turbine by connecting each one to a volt-meter with LED readings; whilst their solar powered buggies will participate in a 'winner takes all' race.

MACC (Me and Climate Change)

MACC is the planet's environmental superhero, fighting the ongoing battle against climate change. This fun, hands-on, programme helps pupils understand more about climate change and the issues surrounding it in an exciting interactive mixture of theory and hands-on experiments looking at climate change, energy, sustainability and the three R’s (Reducing, Reusing and Recycling). This is a flexible programme that can be delivered to a class or larger size groups and fitted into the school's timetabled day.


Learn by Numbers

This is an exciting, engaging workshop that brings maths to life.  Using a variety of our interactive equipment, pupils try out various sporting activities and record their results on a worksheet. In the final quarter of the session they then use the figures they have obtained in a series of maths questions. The maths can be levelled to the desired ability range of the class and varied throughout the day.

Health and Wellbeing

Having a healthy, fit lifestyle is very important in the modern day. This workshop introduces the pupils to the importance and benefits of having a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Through this fast paced and interactive programme the pupils will be engaged with:

  • A quiz using interactive Qwizdom handsets
  • The creation of a class pledge printed onto a certificate
  • An active session packed with various physical activities, using state-of-the-art sports equipment.


Ring Leaders

With the fast approaching London 2012 Olympic Games, the whole country is already preparing for the experience of a lifetime. Ring Leaders introduces a brief history of the Olympics and provides a number of challenges for the pupils:

  • An interactive Olympic quiz using Qwizdom handsets
  • Designing and creating their very own Olympic Torch
  • Learning an Olympic sport, Rowing, with a high impact visually demonstrated race using Venue Racing.


STEM Days and Workshops

STEM days are an exciting and fun way for students to engage in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. We are delighted to offer a range of workshops to cover the curriculum in STEM developed with such bodies as the Institute of Physics and the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Physical Science

This interactive workshop (supported by the Institute of Physics) looks at the Physics, such as speed, forces and light and sound, behind four sports activities. The students collate their results which they then utilise, together with the information on the worksheets, to answer a series of tiered questions at the end of the session.

Biology, Chemistry and Physics in Sport

This can include a one-hour interactive lecture looks at a range of topics including reactions, balance, forces, inertia, sound, energy and friction all in the context of different sports. Members of the audience are invited to help take part in some fun practical experiments to illustrate the theory behind many of the topics.

We also offer an interactive session that covers muscles, senses, joints and breathing, without the textbook. The workshop uses our highly engaging interactive equipment and provides for a fun environment whilst the students test themselves on the various challenges, including a practical way of looking at ATP, reactions, energy pathways, aerobic and anaerobic systems.  Again we create an inspirational learning environment using a combination of written and practical activities.


A flexible interactive workshop which can be tailored to accommodate a range of abilities, even within one session, which provides the students with real life maths problems.  Students are taken out of the classroom environment and introduced to a new and exciting way to learn mathematics. Through utilising state-of-the-art technological sports testing equipment, the students experience an interactive session whilst being challenged with various mathematical problems.

Engineering Challenge 2012

Equipping students with the required skills to succeed in engineering, this workshop covers a range of skills from planning, design, construction and testing. Practical activities include building solar-powered racing buggies, and testing fully-functioning catapults.


Aspiring Minds with Dame Kelly Holmes Legacy Trust

Aspiring Minds is a support programme for young people, which focuses on the attitudes and skills required for personal success in the modern world.

Using a trained group of Olympic and world class athletes as role models in combination with a skilled team of trained communicators, the programme delivers a range of tried and tested activities and interventions which help young people of all abilities to raise their aspirations and motivation, supported by Dame Kelly Holmes.

The programme consists of a delivered day in the school consisting of a range of interactive sessions delivered by an Olympic athlete and skilled team of communicators, covering:

  • Attitudes and skills for success
  • Teamwork and communication
  • Personal target setting and goals
  • Problem solving and overcoming barriers
  • Risk taking, and learning from mistakes
  • Creative thinking

Participants are also given a Dame Kelly Holmes Legacy Trust wristband, creating a powerful sense of belonging and constant and instant reminder for young people of the right attitude and state of mind for achieving success.

Breathing for Life Challenge

An interactive workshop (supported by GlaxoSmithKline) takes the students through a range of tasks looking at diet, body and energy systems. Additional support material and a PowerPoint presentation is provided for the students to work through a series of related questions at the end of the session. We also provide a follow on lesson worksheet and teachers' notes.

Fitness Testing

This workshop provides the opportunity for students to assess their fitness levels (in a non-intrusive, fun environment) across a range of areas including: lung function, flexibility, grip strength, leg strength, heart rate and body fat.  A great chance for students to asses their bodies, using a range of different equipment, in a fun but informative way.

Additional Information

Address: By Design Group Ltd, 49 Kepler, Lichfield Road Industrial Estate, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 7XE
The area/s in which this provider is available are:East, East Midlands, Greater London, Home Counties, Yorkshire, North of England, North West, Scotland, South West, Wales, West Midlands

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