Art Workshops in London Schools




 Smarty PaintsSmarty Paints are a fun and creative pottery painting studio in Wandsworth, South London. Pottery painting has been an art form since Ancient Greece and they enthusiastically continue this wonderful creative expression. Smarty Paints love people painting whether young or old and believe that everyone has artistic ability; they just need the encouragement and chance to discover it.

Art Workshop for Schools in London -  Smarty Paints can take pottery painting into your classroom. You just need to provide tables, chairs and water! The paint does not stain and washes off surfaces and clothes very easily.


ArtyfaceArtyface have designed and created many fabulous mosaics, ceramic and painted murals as part of their art workshops for London schools, whilst building strong links between schools and partners. They enjoy discussing and delivering your art project ideas and run successful INSETS while encouraging green-mosaics (re-using and recycling). Artyface Community Art have been working with schools, councils and architects, providing quality workshops for 4,000+ students every year for 12 years. They have many happy customers and are often invited back to schools every few years to work on a new project.

Artyface is an experienced, dynamic professional and inspirational community arts organization (with a pool of 10 specialists), led by artist Maud Milton. They were front cover of The Independent Education Supplement summer 2010 and their ceramic and mosaic projects have really excelled over the past years.


Tim Davies is a practising artist based in London with over ten years experience of leading art workshops and projects in Primary Schools, Youth Centres and Community Art Groups. He specialises in school grounds development and large scale sculptural installations both inside schools and in school grounds. His workshops emphasise experimentation and artistic investigation, drawing ideas from original source material and real life experience.

 Tim offers a wide choice of schools workshops with an emphasis on 3D techniques. The workshops range from one day sessions to longer projects resulting in permanent sculptural installations and carnival processions.




Animation Nation provides art workshops in London for primary and secondary schools, colleges, youth groups, arts groups, school holiday activities, teacher training inset days, team building events and much more!

Animation is a fantastic way to engage, empower, educate and inspire people of all ages and abilities and allow them to creatively express their ideas and thoughts while learning many new skills.

All the workshops are led by animator Barry Skillin with 7 years experience of delivering animation workshops in education.

To host an animation workshop at your chosen venue you would just need to provide a workspace with some tables and plug sockets. Animation Nation would provide all the equipment and materials required!


 Mosaic Art Ltd.Mosaic Art Ltd is a collective of professional and experienced artists who work with schools in London to create site specific artwork through an art workshop, which is installed in the school grounds. Their projects are individually tailored and provide apractical and collaborative approach to the national curriculum requirements. They can be adapted to all levels and bring together different disciplines.

 To get the most from the project the company requires a brief consultation that determines where the piece will be situated (interior or exterior) how many children you wish to involve, the age group and the topics or themes to explore. This mutual understanding ensures that the project can be carried out inline with the design and time requirements of the school. The projects are suited to both primary and secondary school ages, and give children the chance to take part in the entire creative process from the initial idea through to the rewarding conclusion, with results that promise to stand the test of time.


Briony Jenkins and the team at Pigeon first splashed paint in a classroom in 1999, and since then they’ve just got bolder and brighter. The team have a passion for helping schools with personalised art projects, and specialise in helping schools to devise the right project for their needs. Briony explains her passion here.

At Pigeon Art Workshops we love children’s art and all of the things they make. We never run a session where we don’t see something amazing being made by someone. We like their dribbles and blobs, their mistakes and upside down bits. We like the way they see the world and how they go about showing it.


Groovy Art Workshops organise all-day art events or art workshops for schools in London and can be included as part of any special occasion and are particularly suitable for school fun/open days or reward days. They also provide therapeutic art sessions working to combat the challenges and traumas that many children face in their young lives. Groovy Art Events cater for a minimum of 15 participants upwards and they provide anything from 2–6hr long activities with their specialist artist tutors.

Groovy Art Workshops specialise in activities and events for children, between the ages 5 – 11 and they do everything from costume design to performance art, mask making to digital art, with nothing too neat and a mess guaranteed! Groovy Art Workshops can provide you with activities to support or compliment your curriculum. Perhaps a Storytelling Week, a Carnival day, a celebration or a historical occasion; whatever your requirements they can offer you an individual, tailormade creative package for any occasion.


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