Telephone: 01223 365378
The Architecture Workshops Association are a small not-for-profit educational organisation, working throughout the UK in Schools, Colleges and Universities. Their Reception to Sixth form Architecture Workshops have been making learning fun since 1996. Designed for all Key Stages, these unique handson experiences of integrated curricular activities bring together the six strands of the national curriculum's Pupil Learning & Thinking Skills Framework.
“We were impressed at how the pupils were given an opportunity to apply various skills in the workshop and were delighted at how much fun they were clearly having. The staff were highly impressed with the quality of the experience and the way the session was run. They have already requested a return visit and we will certainly recommend you to other schools.” Lindsay Fry, Deputy Headteacher, Corsham Primary Sch. Wiltshire
The workshops engage pupils in 3d visual problem solving, both individually and as a team, using a mix of higher order and creative thinking strategies. Workshops are adapted to suit pupils abilities, enabling G&T students and SEN students to have the same workshops experience. Increasingly used for extension/ enrichment, PSHCE and citizenship activities for KS3, 4 & 5.The workshops engage students in fun activity whilst helping them develop as Creative Thinkers, Effective Participants, Independent Enquirers, Self Managers and Team Workers, through a combination of individual and group work, design problem solving and creativity. Underlying the requirements for communication, cooperative skills, logistical reasoning, critical evaluation and self reflection.
The Workshops are split into two categories:
‘Build-It’: Focused Practical Tasks, using design technology, maths, literacy, science, history and drama to differing degrees pupils create large scale reconstructions of famous architectural landmarks, i.e: Egyptian Pyramids; Greco-Roman Temple; Tudor Globe Theatre; Victorian Crystal Palace.
‘Kre8’ workshops stimulate pupil’s imagination, interpretative and visual problem solving skills helping to develop higher order thinking strategies. Focusing on investigation, Disassembly and Evaluation as Design and Make assignments. Working in teams, pupils use DT skills, Maths and Science to design and build large scale structures i.e: Bridges; Shelters; Olympic Sculptures; Skyscrapers. Kre8 workshops at KS 3 &4 are often run as year group or inter-school competitions by our regular clients.
Key Stage 1 (inc. reception) – Using number, counting, shape and space pupils work together to build simple modular forms, which go on to form the basic parts of most KS2 workshops.
Secondary design course – Developed to help spatial awareness and visualisation skills of older students considering further study in architecture and design. The spatial interventions of 3D art and architecture are explored through precedent study with the students developing their ideas further as abstract art and architecture; introducing site and locality. Students consider environmental impact of their designs in relation to existing urban developments and green field sites.
Key information
- Established 1996
- Suitable for All Key Stages and Reception
- Up to 120 pupils per day / 60 per workshop
- Catalytic Integrated Curricular Activities
- Engaging, Hands-On, Inspirational
- Discounts Available
Additional Information
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