The Castle Climbing Centre

The Castle is one of the UK’s largest climbing centres and is Europe’s busiest. Built inside a historic and magnificent former Victorian water pumping station, the privately owned centre is managed by a team of dedicated professionals. Facilities include a huge range of climbing walls to suit all needs, from the nervous beginner upwards – there is also an abseil tower that offers a 30-metre descent either inside or outside if the weather permits.


Indoor climbing is a unique sport and delivers exciting rewards both physically and mentally. If you are looking for a short, adventurous and challenging reward event, a stimulating after-school club, an extended series of lessons working towards various physical education awards or if your pupils would like to follow the nationally recognised National Indoor Climbing Achievement Scheme (NICAS), the Castle provides a comfortable and controlled environment in which to practise and excel. Indoor rock climbing is an excellent way to develop the fundamental skills to climb safely. You could also be laying the foundations for a lifetime’s interest and activity as your pupils get a real taste for it! Castle school and youth groups are taught in groups with a maximum pupil/instructor ratio of 6:1 and basic as well as advanced lessons for under 18’s are always available.

The Facilities – The Castle has an extensive range of facilities. The Centre houses over 450 routes changed every 6 weeks and serviced by more than 90 roped lines. An extensive range of bouldering surfaces displays some 250 marked problems and the climbing areas are spread over four floors of this unique, atmospheric building. Full risk assessments for youth climbing events are available upon request. All Castle instructors hold nationally recognised qualifications and hold current CRB checks.

Roped Routes – The Castle’s routes are varied and are set by one of the best teams in the country. A massive range of slabs, featured walls, splitter cracks, roofs, off-widths, stepped roofs, flat panels and long overhangs make exciting climbs for everyone.

• Over 1,000 square metres of walls

• 450 routes

• 95 climbing lines (of which 54 are top rope and 41 are lead)

• Grades from F4 to F8a or UK 4a to 6c/7a

• Routes up to 12.5 metres high

Bouldering – climbing above large crash mats without a rope but with the feet never higher than about 2 metres is an increasingly popular aspect of indoor climbing. Like the routes, The Castle’s bouldering is generally regarded as some of the best in the country. With 6 massive areas, the quickest turnover of new problems anywhere in the UK – plus a host of celebrity guest setters – a brilliant bouldering experience is guaranteed.

• 6 separate areas with realistic featured walls, top-out walls, angled panels, slabs, curved ply, roof, articulating and steep walls

• 195 set problems at any given time

• 30 traverses

• 2 circuits

• Areas are re-set every month


Key information

  • Groups from 1 – 30, Age 9 – 17yrs
  • All staff CRB checked
  • Downloadable risk assessments
  • Full Public Liability Insurance
  • All instructors fully qualified to minimum MLTB SPA
  • Coach Parking, Catering available, First Aiders on site
  • Wheelchair accessible

Additional Information

Listed in the following categories: * Adventure Activities
* School Visits
* Adventure Activities » Climbing
The area/s in which this provider is available are:Greater London

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